What to do? Trust in God’s promise above and recall the time Jesus walked upon the waters and calmed the storms.
1 They that trust in the Lord shall be as mount
Zion, which cannot be removed, but abideth for ever. Psalms 125:1 (KJV)
Sometimes life is like a violent storm at
sea. Your small boat is at the mercy of
the wind, the crashing waves, the constant rising and falling with no end in
sight. One does not have to grow old in
this world before one discovers that we have very little control over life’s
negative events. The wise prepare as
much as possible to ward off the consequences of the storms of life. Living on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico
we’re aware that hurricanes are a reality and cannot afford to become
complacent. We can stock up on food,
water, batteries, power generators, move to shelters and etc. to ride out the
storm or we can evacuated to a safe distance from the coast. One thing is certain, when the storm comes
ashore we’ll have no control. It is at
these times of peril, uncertainty and distress that the wise rely and call upon
God for deliverance. The truly wise
among us will not wait for the storms of life to come before crying out.
What to do? Trust in God’s promise above and
recall the time Jesus walked upon the waters and calmed the storms. He’ll do it for you too.
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